
Showing posts from April, 2021

The Creator and the Inverter

When Jesus went into the desert, the serpent that is Satan spoke scripture to him. Satan, supposedly an angel, knows the bible through and through. Satan however was not preaching the word of God but was attempting to usurp it, asserting an inverted perception of reality in order to deceive. Jesus responds with scripture but understanding and using it's true meaning.  Who or what 'Satan' is invites a whole manor of interpretations and speculation from 'Aliens' to 'pure ideologies'. On either front, the forces that are not easily perceived are either intrinsically influenced by or simply, our beliefs, manifest into action. In that someone who is acting to deceive the world around them, is in union with what our forefathers would have called "demonic beings". Demonic beings and demonic thoughts are well and truly the same if they manifest into demonic action. Two sides of the same coin that both carry the ultimate value. And like Satan twisting the m...

The Mask of the Beast

'As God intended'. Who would think it would be dangerous to be 'as God intended'. It is incredible what level of abuse people want to endure by elitist experts in the wake of a psychological fear operation. It really does seem that the nice guy finishes last, and if we as a people where to learn something from this terrible world event, is that the worse you are the more reward there is to gain.  And perhaps the one trait, the greatest gift endowed to men, masculinity, the want and need to protect ones tribe and protect and cherish that which they love, has been shunned out of society so much so, that even the men would rather bend over and take it than fight for what is rightfully theirs. Have you bought and sold without the mask yet? God help us. Our Father Above, we pray that we find the courage to stand up to tyranny, that we may realize what we have and that our fragile freedom is one sleeping step away from being taken from us. Blessed be those who have woken up, ...